Access Control

An effective access control system assists in preventing unauthorised entry to your premises, while staff and visitors efficiently gain access to their designated locations. A wide range of control measures are available, as shown below. Whether you need a single entry point or a multi-site and large campus application, Radix can help you enhance the security of your employees, visitors and assets.
Access control solution

Access control solution

An access control system can enhance your existing security system by allowing you to authorise and know who is in your building at any particular time. Possible integration with other security systems such as CCTV and burglar alarms offers holistic security protection.

Reader technologies

Reader technologies

The reader technology used will determine the level of security of your access control system, as well as the scalability. Radix will assess your requirements and provide the most appropriate technology to suit your needs.



Secure your business with a high level of access control using personal data traits like fingerprints, iris patterns and facial geometry.

Audio video door entry systems

Audio video door entry systems

This allows occupants to validate a visitor audibly or visually before allowing authorised entry. These systems are often used in conjunction with an access control system.



Supporting Services

Installing a security system is the first step in mitigating security risks. Radix offers a range of support and maintenance services to ensure your system is monitored and continues to operate effectively.

Security audit

Security audit

Our security experts carry out security assessments of your building sites to identify suitable security solutions that meet your requirements.

Service and maintenance

Service and maintenance

Having a regular service and maintenance contract in place for your security equipment is essential for ensuring your system works when you need it most – in an emergency.

Security legislation and standards

Security legislation and standards

Local legislation and standards related to security systems can be complicated such as data privacy, requirements from authoritative departments. Our local experts can assist you.

Security alarm monitoring & response

Security alarm monitoring & response

A monitored burglar alarm provides a response from a keyholder or the authoritative department. Speak to our local experts to see how we can provide you the needed response.